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Category Archives: Conditions


Managing Chronic Inflammation with TCM Acupuncture

From this 2019 article published in Nature Medicine “Chronic inflammatory diseases have been recognized as the most significant cause of death in the world today, with more than 50% of all deaths being attributable to it.” The list of...

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Improving Fertility Outcomes Through TCM Acupuncture

Infertility refers to the inability of a couple to conceive a child after trying for a certain period of time without any use of contraception. This condition can present with a range of symptoms or no symptoms at all. In women, irregular or absent...

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Pelvic Pain Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Treatment

Pelvic pain is quite common in women, though it can occur in men, as well. According to the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT), 10% of Canadians live with urinary incontinence, and 25–50% of all women will experience some kind...

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Chinese Medicine Acupuncture for IBD Toronto

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) refers to a group of chronic conditions that cause inflammation in the digestive tract. Common types of IBD are Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Celiac Disease. From this 2018 report, there are about...

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Using Acupuncture to Manage Pain

In some parts of the world, acupuncture is well-known as an alternative form of treatment. As time goes on and people travel more, acupuncture is increasingly being utilized to treat chronic pain. It seems like Acupuncture for Pain conditions such...

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Acne & Hormonal Imbalance Treatment – Chinese Medicine Toronto

The quality of skin reflects the health within. Having clear, radiant skin is a job from the inside! I have many patients from all ages come in for their stubborn acne, Often the reason they come is because they realize that even if they did...

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